
What We Do. Answered in Plain English.

  • Objective review of current IT structure

    We meet with executives and key staff to determine what does and doesn’t work involving IT. Outsource evaluation: There are many Managed Service Providers (MSP) or Outsource companies whose services range from remote only support to onsite weekly or daily and everything in between. Often there are mergers and acquisitions among them. Our vendor neutral approach enables us to find a provider that has the right service and cultural fit for your business. Internal IT Review: we look at your current staffing to determine if it is sufficient and working for you. We are often brought in during a staff change to reevaluation positions to make sure it is the right fit for your business.
  • Finding the right fit

    There are plenty of IT people out there but finding a good one is hard. Once we determine exactly what your need is, we can help you find the right person or company. After reviewing IT we may augment existing staff; find and/or hire the right IT person; vet MSPs (outsourced providers) or restructure existing contracts.
  • IT Optimization

    Change doesn’t have to be drastic. Sometimes we recommend only minor changes that helps IT better serve your organization. Tweaking your existing infrastructure can sometimes have great benefits with little cost or disruption.
Something else?

We know all companies do not fit into a box and your IT needs may be unique. We are flexible in how we help companies.

Finding the right IT solution can be challenging. Because every business is different we work collaboratively with clients to analyze their specific needs and evaluate and implement IT solutions that meet their current and emerging needs. We bring proven experience in providing unbiased vendor evaluation and selection.

We understand the challenges you face so if you're not sure what you need, just ask. Questions are answered free of charge ;-). If we can't help you, we'll point you to someone who can.

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